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giovedì 5 maggio 2016

Il Ben di Morti

The night between November the 1st and November the 2nd, the village celebrates “ IL BEN’ D’I MORTI” (the deads’d good).
In that night the legend says that the inhabitants’ souls come back to their homes. At the sunset a long procession of women, man and kids, dressing white walk along the characteristic streets of the village.
The old tales say that those entities were showing themselves walking with huge candles (“ceri”). Those souls came back in Earth, were called in dialect “ MNA’” (probably a name coming from the greek “MENEADI” ).
They were looking for BEN’ D’I MORTI”, which was regularly dispensed by the inhabitants.

The Mna were singing: “S’A’ N’ DARE’ ‘R BEN’ D’I MORTI, A PRGREN’PR’I VOSTRI MORTI, CHI ‘N GHEN’ DA’ GI’EN TUTI PORCHI “ (i.e. “if you will give us the dead’s goods we’ll pray for your lost beloved. Who won’t give it to us are a pig”). After that request the windows are opened and, in the past as nowadays, from the houses come any kind of offer. In the meantime, in the square in front the main church, a table is prepared with bread and wine. All the goods collected will be put in the same table.

A lantern is lighted and people wait for the souls.

Here a real theater representation take place, with traditional costumes, Here the most characterizing people are evocated , from different ages. Finally, the souls arrive at the table, well prepared for the event. They will share, only for that night, bread and wine with the alive people, in a surreal atmosphere.

The scene is breathtaking.

This ancient tradition comes form Middle Age, but it could even have its roots on the rites of Liguri-Apuani people.

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