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giovedì 5 maggio 2016

Il levante ligure - the eastern Liguria

Liguria is the winding arched extension from Ventimiglia.to Sarzana.
The region is structured as following: 65% mountains, 35% hills. Liguria's Natural Reserves cover 12% of the entire region, i.e. an unrivalled percentage in Europe. They are made up of one National Reserve, six large parks, two smaller parks and three nature reserves.
The ring of hills lying right beyond the coast together with the sea account for a mild climate year-round. Average winter minimum temperatures are 7 to 10 °C (45 to 50 °F) and summer temperatures of 23 to 24 °C (73 to 75 °F), which make for a pleasant stay in any part of the year.
Mountains and steep cliffs that rise loftily out of the Ligurian Sea in the most northerly part of the Western Mediterranean. A fascinating landscape that will impress people on their journey through this region where people leave the ancient history and the nature has never lost his wild side. The capital Genoa, Christopher Columbus’ home, was already a powerful maritime state in the Middle Ages. Also Britain benefitted from the Genoese power, having had the authorization to use the Republic of Genoa flag to be protected against the pirates. Witnesses of such important history are the impressive buildings, elegant mansions, and wonderful churches. In other parts of Liguria, there are also numerous treasures. An intact and luxuriant Mediterranean vegetation exists in the mountain regions, back the Cinque Terre and Lerici, becoming untouched woods from Val di Vara Valley to Bolano, expanding over all Lunigiana’s lands. On the other hand, Portovenere is a small jewel on the Mediterranean coast. Needless to say there are many other important historical monuments to be explored.
Liguria is where pesto, focaccia and cima are originally from. Seafood is a major staple of Ligurian cuisine, as the sea has been part of the region's culture since its beginning. Another important aspect of the culture there is the beach. Tourists have been flocking to the Italian Riviera for decades to experience its clean, deep blue water.
Besides Italian, several version of Ligurian, the native language, are widely spoken.

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